Management of a hemiparetic patient
Discover how Atalante would positively intervene in the rehabilitation of stimulation to the recovery of an axial symmetry.
Follow up the management of a 72 year old patient with left hemiparesis with significant body hemineglect at the CMPR of Pionsat.
You will read in this case study
> History of the illness
> Initial assessment
> Initial rehabilitation treatment
> Use of the Atalante
> Functional Evolution
Physiatrist and clinical director at Wandercraft
"Gait training exoskeletons, such as Atalante X, are innovative tools in the management of people with walking impairment. They maximize rehabilitation training; in the hope of improving recovery after a neurological lesion; and in preventing the appearance of complications secondary to prolonged immobilization. Clinical studies comparing Atalante to conventional rehabilitation are undergoing to prove the potential clinical benefits.
In the long term and taking into consideration the current progress in terms of the management of Neurological lesions, particularly with the appearance of new treatments that give hope of repairing or supplementing the nervous system, exoskeletons have their place in maintaining the body in a state of general good health for people in wheelchairs."